Lifetime has a new show called the Fairy Jobmother. The show takes a Supernanny approach to job hunting. The host, Hayley Taylor is a hard hitting, no nonsense career specialist who knows how to get people off their seats and moving again. Like most reality shows of this type she works with a client family and takes them through every step of the job search process. She gives advice and instruction on:
- Life assessment
- Financial assesment
- Resume writing
- Job skills and expansion
- Interview techniques and role playing for preparation
- Dealing with disappointments
Hayley coachs the family every step of the way in an entertaining yet no excuses way to reach their goals. I enjoyed Hayley's wardrobe and she did an excellent job at setting an example of dressing stylishly professional. They did change her clothes so often that I was almost distracted by wanting to see what she would wear next. Hayley made a personal connection with her clients and did not back away from the hard questions. The show is very "now" so I don't expect that it will be around forever but may provide just the motivation, stimulation, and tips needed to get the watchers to their next job.
The show is on Lifetime on Thursdays at 9pm. If you are on unemployment or looking for a job I hope you will check it out.
The Fairy Jobmother, cool title. The site has previous episodes that can be watched on the computer, job search helps, and an application to get on the show. Wouldn't that be fun? Tell them In The Trenches sent you and let us know so we can watch.
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