Sunday, June 27, 2010

An Investment with Abundant Return - Fruit Trees

Most of us think of the stock market or real estate when we think of investing but there are many other ways of investing that can provide a return that can be fun and a new hobby. Fruit trees, berries, and even rhubarb can fall into this category.

Just to get your imagination going here are a few:                               

I guess for those who feel more comfortable with the stock labels we can call them APP, PEA, PLU, BLU, etc.  A fruit tree normally takes about three years to begin bearing well which is faster than a savings bond.

There are a number of things to consider when choosing a fruit tree or berry:
1. Your region. Weather is one of the biggest factors so choose a variety that suits your climate.
2. The amount of space available. For smaller places dwarf trees are available and some plants now are sized to be grown in pots.
3. Are you ready for pruning? I used to spend hours high a top my apple trees pruning every year and every year I told myself that I was just getting too old to be climbing like a monkey hoping the extra five pounds I had put on would not be enough to send me crashing down. Another good reason to consider the dwarf trees so you can do your pruning from the ground.
4. Read up on the variety before you plant. Blackberries are delicious but watch out or they will take over your whole yard as well as your neighbors. Another thing to consider on this vein is that some leaves are poisonous so if you have pets or children caution of the placement is necessary.

Once you get your fruit trees going you can enjoy the abundance of your investment:
  • Eat as much as you want.
  • Sell some at the farmers market in your area.
  • Freeze or can the surplus
  • Give extra to the neighbors and friends.
  • Some food banks take fresh homegrown fruit and vegetables.
  • Learn to make pies and impress everyone you know.
  • Contribute to making a Green America.  
Mostly and above all – Enjoy it. If every yard had a blueberry bush I think the world would be a happier place.

A search on the internet will tell you what will grow best in your area, but, better yet, head down to the local nursery, look around, and see what strikes your fancy.  Ask as many questions as you want and let them know the type of setting you will be using so they can direct you to the right size.  Most new plants don't look like much more than a stick but time, care, and water will produce the fruit.

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