Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Iraq War: Last US Troops Return Home

Welcome home!
In the hussle and bussle of our daily lives it is easy to miss even the biggest and most important events.  Our troops are finally home from Iraq!  What a joyous reason to celebrate.
Thank you for serving with honor.  What a wonderful Christmas gift for us all. 
Iraq War: Last US Troops Return Home (SLIDESHOW)

Weekly Address: Honoring Those Who Served in Iraq

Soldiers return to Fort Hood, say they’re glad to be home for holidays and out of Iraq


Practical Parsimony said...

Uh oh! Spam!

Isn't it great they are coming home. Now, to bring home more men from other places!

Carol Schultz said...

A friend notified me that she also knows one coming home from Afghan. Also so good to hear!

Dee said...

Yes, indeed. I thank them very much. And my hope is that they can have as smooth as possible a transition to their hom elives.