Our students need help in all areas of the country. For years the call has gone out that more adult participation is needed to keep our kids at the top level and help them from falling behind.
If even some of our unemployed could offer their time to our kids the future would be changed for generations to come.
Tutoring is one on one involvement. Don't feel qualified? You know more than you think you do. Can you spare some time to listen to a child read or help with their multiplication tables? If academics are not your thing there is music, drama, after school sports, paper grader, and official cupcake maker.
Contact your local schools and see if they can use your help. If kids make you nervous there are many other volunteer opportunities available in every community. Being active in the community can increase your chances of meeting more people, boost your morale, show your skills and talents to others, gain references, and possibly even find a job. Just goes to show that helping others is often the biggest blessing to those who do it.
And, it would sure look good on your resume.

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