Many have been on the In The Trenches journey for almost three years now. That is when it became evident that the economy and it's shaky foundations was starting it's rocking and rolling. Many more have joined the journey along the way and have had to make radical changes to their lifestyles, ideas, and choices.
According to a Wall Street Journal article dated Sept 26, 2011 there are still 40 million individuals receiving food stamps. Even if you don't like to follow the news the statistics in this article are extremely interesting and will probably surprise you. They did me. I could write an entire post on just this article but will save that for another day. The point of my noting it is to validate that we as an American Economy have a long way to go in our recovery.
Recovery from anything whether it be health, addiction, or financial is a long process and there is much to change and learn along the way. But, it can be the best time of our lives if we choose to allow our minds to focus on the positive aspects. One does not often appreciate health, beauty, or opportunity until it is gone. Can this also be true about our challenges?
So today if you have no extra money in your pocket and the kids are driving you nuts, notice the green grass in the backyard, the neighborhood park, and the public library. It is time to give thanks.
There is not much to eat in the house so you mix a little of this, a little of that, and realize that you have just created a culinary masterpiece. It is time to give thanks.
You have no gas to get to the job interview and the neighbor offers you a ride. It is time to give thanks.
So much we have and take for granted we forget to appreciate each and everyday. So much is given to us that costs us nothing and being In The Trenches can be the opportunity to open our eyes to the abundance around us each and every day and give thanks. The change that comes over us in the process is amazing. Instead of the moaning, groaning, and down cast shoulders we can hold our heads up, smile at everyone we see, and movitates us to keep on keeping on. The other day someone told a group of us that there are millions around the world who would love to come to America just to be poor. So starting from there we move forward. We choose whether we do so with moaning and a scowl on our faces or a smile and holding the door for someone else. I ride the bus, I see both everyday.
This is our life, we only have one. Enjoy the journey.
While I was looking for a photo for this post I found the website I Skip . How funny!
Excellent post!
I live in Canada. I have an elderly grandfather who hated it when I complained about any of the retail jobs I held so I quickly learned to be quiet! The reason- he grew up on the prairies in the 1930's. His parents came to Canada to try their hand at farming. It turned into a nightmare. In the winter it would get to minus 40. They lived in a shack that had no insulation. They didn't have a bed, only a rag thrown on the floor, no proper clothing and just enough food for one slice of bread a day. When they woke in the morning there were large chunks of ice on the inside ceiling. They were hungry all of the time. I'm not sure how they survived. That is true, grinding, horrific poverty. When I think of this story I realize how lucky we are if we have a warm bed and food.
Most of us are truly blessed.
Thank you and yes we are so blessed! Many of my friends are in my parents generation and their stories are full of inspiration and wisdom. They have worked so hard to provide the benefits we now enjoy.
The I Skip site was a fun read.
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